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Being a respected global insurance provider with 150 years in the business and presence in 210 countries attracts a fair share of cyber criminals. With Tanium, Zurich shields against cybercrime and gains resilience.

Key takeaways

With more than 100,000 endpoints worldwide, the insurer needed a higher level of protection.

More cybersecurity & IT operations cooperation

Tanium helps Zurich solve IT issues that could otherwise slip through the cracks between IT and operations. The platform enables the groups to work together seamlessly.

Greater cyber-resilience

Paige and his team know it’s not if an attack happens, but when. With Tanium’s multiple capabilities, Zurich is ready for whatever comes.

Faster patching

Zurich saves up to 100 resource hours a month with an automated patching capability built on top of Tanium’s patching tools.

“Tanium was a game changer. Almost immediately we had visibility to a degree that we didn’t before.”

Paige Adams Global CISO, Zurich